If you've been up to date with our blog or Instagram page, you would know that we recently sent 50 craft kits to Lynn Valley Care Centre.... to our delight, they turned out better than we could have hoped! We were so thrilled to see how realistic the paper flowers, and creative the canvas paintings were. Plus, it turns out that the residents really loved the kits too. Win win!
We want to dedicate this blog post to sharing the pictures we got with you, and hope that they make you as happy as they made us!
Here's one lady's journey through her canvas painting. Her inspiration came from a painting by Lawren Harris, a member of the Group of Seven (iconic Canadian painters!!) that we included on our instruction sheet. We're so glad that the sheet was helpful!
Before starting, she read a note of encouragement that we included in all the kits.
Starting her painting -- along with the primary colours, we made sure to include colour-making instructions so there was the option of creating custom colours.
Wrapping it up!
Here's the final piece! You can tell her painting resembles the original, but it has her own personal touch. We love it!
Aside from this piece, there were many other paintings that were shared with us as well... all had their own unique art styles, which was so refreshing to see!
Seeing all of these crafts and paintings reminded us of why we choose to do what we do, and we hope that this inspired you to get creative as well!
We will be uploading these pictures + more onto our Instagram page, so make sure you are following us there. And as always, if you would like to get involved, you can send us a DM or email us at t2sa.org@gmail.com.